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The AIM Network

The Australian Independant Media Network has written up an introduction to our party, and has included a short version of our 'About Us' information.

Please have a look at what is said and the responses by viewers of the AIM Network ... and help support the AIM Network by viewing other stories and features contained on this non partisan reporting medium - they are truly one of the few that exist !

Independant Australia has kindly written up an introduction to the EAP and circulated it to their many readers.

We received a large number of views (over 2000), and in the 3 days following this we received our largest jump in member registrations to date. 

As is always expected we had a number of very negative comments from people who in most cases misunderstood some of our policy positions, but the overwhelming majority of responses have been at least supportive or more so very positive.

Our thanks go out to Independant Australia and it's editors for their support.

You can see their article and the comments at:,7205

We at EAP will aid them to the best of our ability in support of their efforts to provide an informed, unbiased news source.

Please let us know if you see or hear the EAP in publication online , in print, or on the airwaves. 

All exposure helps us to get the word out and promote our visionary ideas for truly advancing Australia for every citizens benefit!

Equal Australia Party has its own Facebook page located at :


There are many articles regarding current political events and current affairs that affect all Australians. 

Who's next?

The Equal Australia Party in media

For any fledgling party all publicity is a good thing!

Please let us know if you see or hear the EAP in publication online , in print, or on the airwaves. 

All exposure helps us to get the word out and promote our visionary ideas for truly advancing Australia for every citizens benefit!

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