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Government funded medical care for every individual - from infancy through to old age – should be an entitlement due to all Australian citizens.


To achieve this aim we propose a national alignment of ongoing expenditure for the funding and maintenance of a world class health system nationwide.

This includes the introduction of a national wage structure for all nursing, medical, emergency, and associated professions. Expenditure will be based upon offering worlds best practice levels of medical services provisioning to all areas proportionally based upon regional population.


Testing and assessment of medical marijuana will be fast tracked, and pending results will be approved for usage in appropriate medical scenarios.


EAP is committed to achieving a national consensus on the subject of euthanasia, and the matter would be listed onto the National Register of Issues for inclusion as an e-Referendum.


Mandatory vaccinations are likewise high on our agenda,  and will be listed for an e-Referendum to make a decision to be implemented nationally.


Expanded services and accommodation for young adults with disabilities will be funded, along with improvements in the Aged Care structure.

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